Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

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Ujian semester bahasa inggris sd kelas 6 • 1. Ujian Semester SD Negeri 106810 Sampali Kelas: VI Tahun Pelajaran: 2013/2014 Bidang Studi: Bahasa Inggris I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c, or d! Text for number 1 to 5 My name is Nuri.

  1. Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 2
  2. Tengah Bahasa Inggris

I live on Jl. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl.Bahagia. Om namo shivaya mp3.

There are many public places along this street. The park is in the corner, near the library. There is a bank across from the police station, there is also a cinema. It is beside a bakery. At last, the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the bus station. Where does Nuri live?

On Jl.Benteng 2. Where does her mother want to go? Post office c. Supermarket 3. Where is the bank?

Contoh Modul Belajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD. Modul pembelajaran adalah salah satu bentuk bahan ajar yang dikemas secara sistematis dan menarik sehingga mudah untuk dipelajari secara mandiri. Silabus Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 1 Dan 2 Kurikulum 2013 Pada silabus tersebut terdapat empat aspek pengembangan dalam belajar bahasa inggris, listening/ mendengarkan, reading/membaca, speaking/ berbicara, dan writing/menulis.

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Bagi adik-adik kelas 6 SD tentu sangat membutuhkan soal latihan bahasa inggris, kakak akan membagikan contoh soal yang didapat dari berbagai sumber di internet agar kalian semangat belajar.

Near the school c. Near the drugstore b. Across from police station d. Beside post office 4. Where is the supermarket? Between bakery and cinema c. Between the drugstore and the bus station b.

Near post office d. Near the bakery and school 5.

Where is the cinema? Beside the bakery c. Near school b. Across from the bank d. Beside post office 6. Football in the school yard.

There are 5 hens. Each hen has 5 eggs. How many eggs are there? There are 4 rabbits. Each rabbit has two babies. How many rabbits totally?

Santy: 'Where do you live?' I'm fine thanks c. I live in Sukabumi b. Thank you very much 10. I have.every morning,before going to school.

Dinner c.hungry d. Breakfast • 11. My classroom is clean,but your classroom is. Clever c. Dirty d.beautiful 12. Today is Tuesday.tomorrow is.

Wednesday b.Sunday c. Monday d.Thursday 13. My father is a.he can fly an airplane a. Teacher b.pilot c. Engineer d.carpenter 14.

Bahasa inggris kelas 6 pdf

I want to take a bath,I need a. To wash my body a. Toothpaste c.Detergent d.

Is a place for tourists to stay when they spend a holiday a. Post office b. Complete the sentences 1.

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 2

We can see animals in the. Raisa: 'Can you give me a pencil?' Nayla: '., of course.' She wants to make a line,she needs a. Moslems pray in the.. Mengetahui, Sampali, September 2014 Ka Sekolah SDN 106810 Sampali Guru Mata Pelajaran KARIANNA NAPITUPULU.

Tengah Bahasa Inggris


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