Infinite Stratos Character List

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'.a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.' A first-year student at the I.S. Adobe photoshop 7.0 setup download Academy and Main Protagonist. Representative Contender for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The pilot of the. A prototype 3rd Generation close combat.


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Josephine stands apart from other Representative Contenders and Cadets in that she does not come from an elite background and has no military history in her family. Despite being university educated, both of her parents struggle on a daily basis to make ends meet and live in public housing. Josephine grew up having to watch them work menial jobs despite being qualified for very well paying careers. Because of this, her grandmother encouraged her to go above and beyond in her education by giving her books to read and taught her to understand books which would normally be beyond the understanding of children. But Josephine was a gifted child, which her grandmother understood and encouraged.


Infinite Stratos Parent Guide

Josephine would describe herself as being made of salt and vinegar, however, she is actually exactly not that. She is kind and polite, but she can come off as arrogant to those who don’t know her. Because of her extensive reading, she has an extensive vocabulary, and she tends toward verbosity when speaking. •: Her friends call her Josie.

Infinite Stratos Character Names

She doesn’t like it at first, but eventually relents and gets used to it. •: The Falkirk’s Fury is a prototype third generation built for her exclusive use.

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