Love Simon Free Online

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Love Simon Free Online Rating: 7,1/10 7921 votes

Where do I start. Gosh, when I went to watch Love, Simon a few weeks ago (sneak peek screening a week before release), I never thought it would rock my world. It's brilliantly written and masterfully directed. This movie has all the feels. You'll get happy, angry, heartbroken, feel loved, laugh, and cry (many times).

Everyone will be able to relate to this movie in some way. Whether it's with Simon, his friends, the bullies, or the teachers at school, you will connect with this movie. If you're a gay teen, this movie will be the last puzzle piece that shows you that it's ok to be yourself and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. If you're like me and you just turned 40, you'll be reverted back to high school and see yourself in Simon's position once again. You'll feel the fear of being exposed, the misunderstanding of yourself and how you fit into life as a gay person.

And if you're a friend or parent of a gay person, this will give you a glimpse into our plight and the things we had to go through and what we feared the most. If you're a bully or someone who has every teased a gay person, hopefully this movie will enlighten you and provide you with some empathy. Being gay is not a choice, but not watching this movie is. Just watch it. You'll be happy you did. I loved the book this movie was based on.

Love Simon Free Online Viewing

Love, Simon Everyone deserves a great love story. But for seventeen-year old Simon Spier it’s a little more complicated: he’s yet to tell his family or friends he’s gay and he doesn’t actually know the identity of the anonymous classmate he’s fallen for online. Synopsis: Watch Love, Simon online free. In Love, Simon 2018 Putlocker Full Movie, Simon Spier keeps a huge secret from his family, his friends, and all of his classmates: he's gay. When that secret is threatened, Simon must face everyone and come to terms with his identity.

I had high expectations. I am glad to say they were all met. The movie was very well acted and directed. All the plot points of the story were hit perfectly. It was funny in the right places and dramatic in the right places, and awkward in just the right way. They could not have cast a more perfect lead actor to play Simon. Nick Robinson has always been a likeable, versatile actor ever since his days on the sitcom Melissa and Joey, and beyond with the many other roles he's taken on after that.

Nick really embodied the emotional struggle of the character. He really makes you feel for his character, laugh with him, cry with him, smile with him, and feel angry along with him. I look forward to seeing him in many more parts in the future. I'm sure his performance in this film will help him do that. Nick had great chemistry with the supporting cast which also performed brilliantly. Not to mention the notoriety of being in the first major studio film about a gay teenage romance story. This movie is important on several levels.

Love Simon Free Online

Representation for LGBT people is still at a low point. This movie helps prove the need for visibility of LGBT people in on screen stories. It helps show LGBT youth they aren't alone because they can now see themselves in a positive light in the media.

This is particularly important in today's socio-political climate! I will be very proud to own this movie forever. 10/10 from me! Since this movie was very faithful to the book it was based on, I will give you my book review as the review of the plot: I think this is a really well written book with a good story. It is written by a child psychologist, who is writing it in a way that is relatable to teenage audiences. It is still a really entertaining, heartfelt, heart-grabbing page turner.

Love Simon Movie

I think the characters are realistic and never go too over the top. They are real teens that react the way real teens would to situations. Such as alcohol at parties. Not all teens are dumb and think it's cool to get drunk.

Love Simon Free Online Book

Also, the way people react to someone else dating a person they like is realistically illustrated. I think the author really, accurately gets in the head of what it's like to be a teen struggling to come out as gay, and his whole experience surrounding being a gay teen. The way it feels to them when other people make insensitive jokes/remarks unknowingly in front of them. The way it feels when other people know and hold it over them. The way it feels when the anxiety won't let them be open, even to their closest friends even when they know the reaction will be positive. It was really fun to follow along with the emails Simon and 'Blue' exchange.trying to guess at 'Blue's' identity along with Simon. What a wonderful movie!

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